One element and two element aerosol filling machine
Reliable Quality Assurance
Product description: The equipment is shown in the following figure1: The products configured for this production line include (from the front to the back): rotary high-speed valve unit, centrifugal high-speed valve sorting machine, valve supply elevator, 6-station high-precision measuring cyli...
One element and two element aerosol filling machine
One element and two element aerosol filling machine
One element and two element aerosol filling machine
Production linkage of SGKGZ-4 type oral liquid
Production linkage of SGKGZ-16 oral liquid preparation
Production linkage of SGKGZ-12 type oral liquid
SGGZ-4/8 type 30-100ml oral liquid linkage line
SGGZ-12 type 30-150ml high speed oral liquid filling production line
SGNJ-2 Gel two-piece filling capping machine
SGNJ-3 type three piece external agent gel push rod combined filling and sealing production line
SGNJ-4 type four piece gynecological gel propellant combined filling and capping machine
Why choose us?
Quality is the determining direction for the future of a company。
We are a one-stop manufacturer that integrates research and development, production, sales, and service。
Rich product variety, excellent quality, layer by layer inspection and control。
Customized Processing - Multiple Types to Undertake Large and Small Orders for One Stop Procurement。
Strictly implement quality certification and ensure that all supervision and testing indicators meet the standards, with the aim of mutual benefit and win-win。
Provide you with a variety of professional tailor-made solutions.
Factory direct production, assembly, supply
Housekeeping-style full-range after-sales service, so that you worry about.
Enterprise Overview
Shanghai ShengGuan Machinery Equipment Co.,LTD
We are not only devoted in the machinery production,but also commit ourselves into human health.
We don't only pay attention to life qualities,but also deeply care humanistic protection.
We are not only manufacturing a kind of product,but also cveating a kind of culture
We are not only leading a market ,but also spreading a kind of trendy
The originality of our products derives from our profound understanding of culture and will to develop machinery industry.
Dynamic Power Creating New Peaks Forever
We cherish our band formed by our years hard work
Treasure every hard—earned honor
We are never sentimentally attached to and wander at applause
Never hesitate either
To change honor into progressive power
Step by step
Constantly determined and dauntless and superego
10 years +
Production and after-sales technical team of filling machine industry
10000 +
Ping factory covers an area of strength
98 %
Help customers to customize filling machine satisfaction
24H +
Professional technical team for customers to escort you.
2024-03-272021年5月5日,上海圣灌机械设备有限公司新工厂基建工程正式开工。 新工厂坐落于江南鱼米之乡——常熟市,占地面积25亩。建筑面积20500平方米,新工厂建成后,公司将遵循做“百年企业”的工匠精神,生产与制造具有国内领先水平的智能化制药装备及医疗装备。服务于制药企业以及医疗企业的广泛需求,同时也真诚的希望能够得到广大业界朋友的认可与支持,公司全体员工将团结在一起,努力学习,不断进步,使企业的*效应达到一个新的高度。
2024-03-27近日,有趋势表明食品生产行业也将进入GDP改造,随着药品监督局的智能向食品药品的转化,一旦食品生产行业转入实质性运行时,制药机械行业比食品机械行业有着更强的优势,这是由于制药机械行业有着丰富的药厂实践和GMP方面的经验,关键是尽快介入食品生产等使用领域。 食品生产等领域的装备和制药机械有着许多共同点,但对食品加工工艺过程来说,制药机械行业还了解甚少,这也是所需学习的要点。同时,制药机械销售的另一重点应转向食品生产等领域,这是制药机械行业今后工作的转折点。转折过程应把握二点: 一、在食品、轻化工等生产行业装备的销售过程中,及时返回使用等方面信息,并开拓相应的新机型。也只有把握这些领域的转向型...
2024-03-27随着经济全球化发展纵深化,科技进步日新月异,国内制药机械设备制造企业与国外高端药机制造企业在国际上甚至在国内药机市场的交流交融交锋更加频繁,创新一词也被不断的放在药机行业的桌面上,被众人瞩目,可以说,在未来日趋激烈的竞争中,任何一个药机企业能在创新问题上先行一步、高出一筹,该企业就能赢得未来行业发展主动权,在药机行业发展中占据一席之地。 此外,药机行业积极创新,也有利于行业整体的转型升级发展,从而使得本土药机行业越做越强,想要本土药机行业在国际上发出振聋发聩的声音,创新必不可少。 因此,国内药机企业应该把技术创新,产品研发当成一种责任,这是对企业本身负责,更是对行业整体发展负责。药机企业想...
2024-03-27我国是一个饮料消耗大国,巨大的人口基数让市场上有巨大的产品需求量,也让国内出现了众多的生产企业,而他们的发展是不能缺少灌装生产线的,没有这些设备任何的产品都无法走向市场。一旦产品被制作出来就需要进行容器的灌装和产品的包装,这是对产品很好的一种保护,而对于很消费者来说其包装的美观程度也是一种需求,所以我们的设备需在对其进行很好的保护时也要树立起企业的一个形象。 随着人们生活不断提高,市场对产品的生产也提出了新的要求,在新时代下的包装设备正在跃跃欲试,瞅准时机开辟出新的一片天地,但是在面对这个大好时机到来时也要充分的冷静,产品的种类在不断的增加,在包装上的改变时必然的,尤其只日常使用的...
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